The East Behind the Cameras: Orientalist Stereotypes in Documentary Films

ISSN: 2822-4493

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Documentary Film


How to Cite

ATEŞ , H. (2023). The East Behind the Cameras: Orientalist Stereotypes in Documentary Films. Journal of TAM Academy, 2(2), 176–193.


Documentary films are both a work of art because they contain aesthetic elements, a mass communication tool because they can convey information to large audiences, and a documentary film genre because the information they contain is often based on scientific data. Documentary filmmakers and directors aim to convey social events to the masses by utilizing these powerful effects of documentary film. This aim brings along a certain point of view. When directors and producers set out to introduce audiences to various cultures or draw attention to social events, they sometimes consciously or unconsciously use certain prejudices and stereotypes. This is also the case in films that focus on Eastern societies, leading to generalizations and simplifications about the Eastern communities represented. While these generalizations, which turn into a certain pattern over time, are used in documentary film narratives, it is seen that all kinds of cultural and intellectual richness of the East remain in the background. This research has been compiled to reveal the relationship between documentary films and orientalist stereotypes based on various sources.
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